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A basic understanding of People Reading increases anyone's long-term relationship potential. The opportunity to help couples with this specific brand of relationship counseling is one of the unique pleasures of practicing People Reading. If a couple seeks guidance before making a commitment, the more informative and helpful the personological insight and direction are likely to be.

Elizabeth Whiteside wrote, "Always our progress is through better dominion over a key trait." Dominion in this context means "control." Gaining dominion over our own traits enables us to reach our true potential. Once this has begun, we can allow others to do the same. People Reading encourages people to establish the "right" boundaries for themselves.

As we begin to see others as they really are, we can sense what's coming and prepare for it. We shouldn't be startled when an emotional person acts emotionally. We know the person with high intensity of self confidence will act courageous and bold. We watch as the person with a flair for the spotlight attempts to draw the attention to themselves.

As traits vary greatly between individuals, so do actions and reactions. People Reading deals with the ordinary issues that we encounter in everyday life. Every day we watch as people attempt to find their place in life. After all, this is what makes life interesting. I have selected sample relationship profiles and presented them from opposite points of view. Notice how trait interaction could set up stress in a relationship and how understanding the other person's point of view could bring harmony.

When we truly appreciate another person's natural disposition, we bring honor to that relationship. It is said we should seek first to understand, then to be understood. Opposite trait intensities contribute to potential problems in any relationship.

When people gain conscious awareness of their tendencies, they can identify potential conflicts and act to avoid them. However, differing intensities on selected major traits will still have a profound influence on the relationship. Pay special attention to the trait explanations and comparisons below. These examples show how People Reading works in everyday life.


This trait is one of the most important in People Reading. People with eyes set wide apart appear permissive and easy going. People with eyes set close together are focused, concerned, and dependable.

Easy Going
(eyes wider apart than their width, tear duct to outer edge)

  • These people view life in broad terms. They see the "big picture" and view situations from a distance.
  • They are easy to deal with and usually very popular, all other traits being equal.
  • They don't alienate others by getting involved in issues that don't concern them.
  • They need to focus on what's in front of them. They will pay the consequences if they delay, procrastinate, or postpone. They should stay on track and crack down the moment something gets out of hand.

Close Focus
(eyes closer together than their width, tear duct to outer edge)

  • These people are more conscientious and concentrate on issues that are directly in front of them.
  • They have a narrower emotional field of vision.
  • They commit intensely when their emotions are aroused.
  • Their greatest advantage is their quick reaction time.
  • In addition, they have a built-in sense of right and wrong.
  • However, they may appear to be a narrow-minded busy-body. They must teach themselves to see a greater perspective and not get irritated by a specific issue. When they are not in charge, they should mind their own business.

Trait Interaction: Tolerance
Compatibility, Responsibility and Understanding
These similar polarities will get along just fine. They will drive other people crazy, though. Others must learn to expect them both to appear very easy going (take their own sweet time, what's the hurry?, etc.). No compatibility problems but a dangerous situation unless the subjects understand where they can have problems develop (paying bills, meeting deadlines, etc.) and compensate or overcome potential deficiencies. Fun to be around. See the big picture. Potentially late for every engagement. "What's all the fuss about?"
These two will run a tight ship. Everything that "needs" to be done will get done in a timely manner. At least they will intend to do so. They will be conscientious and reliable. To others, these people will appear well suited. Now, that's all well and good, but one or the other may occasionally appear (to the other) to be dragging their feet or procrastinating about something "important." That's a potential point of contention. Each person must still realize where their boundaries are and stay inside them. A very close focus person will appear like an easy going person to a very, very, very close focus person. It's a matter of degree. OK?
This can be a relationship "buster" if these two people do not understand how this trait plays out. One person will always appear lackadaisical to the other and, conversely, one will appear like a pain in the neck. The easy going person needs to remember that the close focus person needs (emotionally) to feel like something is getting done. They need to look like they are in constant motion to the other person on the issues that are important to the close focus person. Conversely, the close focus person needs to remember where their boundaries are and not cross over if they are not in charge or responsible for the outcome of the situation. Let "them" (easy going person) make their own mistakes if it doesn't affect "you."

This trait is an indication of how people consciously process thought. People with a "swept-back" forehead are objective thinkers (quick-witted). People with a more "straight-up-and-down" forehead are subjective thinkers (sequential).

Objective Thinker
(forehead slopes back at an angle)

  • These people draw quick conclusions based on their past experience.
  • They react quickly to what is going on around them.
  • They instantly find the essence of the situation and are comfortable with a fast resolution. They have a natural instinct to act right now.
  • They have to take the time to understand the theory behind certain issues. Realizing every situation is new helps them deal with others more effectively and realistically. They need to learn not to leap ahead. Read the directions!

Sequential Thinker
(forehead is more vertical)

  • These people take things one step at time and prefer to process information in sequence to better understand the key points.
  • The theory and cause behind situations draws their intellectual attention.
  • They take time to think things through before taking action.
  • They need to learn when it is appropriate to think and when it isn't. They must learn to stay with the flow. If others are moving quickly, they should match that behavior if the issue is not essential.

Trait Interaction: Thinking Style
Compatibility, Responsibility and Understanding
These similar polarities will appear to be on "fast forward" all the time. They believe they naturally see things for what they are and believe they understand the conclusion beforehand. Others will have to slow them down or every conversation will last only a few moments. These people will have a lot of "go" and very little "stop." They need to understand that some issues require contemplation and study.
These two will study and study and study. Every issue will need extensive research and consideration. They have a lot of "stop" and less "go" in their outward activities. They need to realize that some things do not require magnification and prolonged thought. Other people can draw them out and help them be more than they think. Fun folks to have dinner with and discuss things in depth.
This can also be a relationship "buster" if these two people do not understand how this trait plays out. Sequential to Objective: "Why do you always jump to conclusions? Don't you think we should spend some time looking at our alternatives?" Objective to Sequential: "What's to think about? I've seen this before. It's the same thing as the one four years ago. Don't you remember?" Each person has the responsibility to put themselves in the other person's place at this point. They should discuss whether or not the issue requires IN-DEPTH CONSIDERATION OR NOT. Then, proceed when they reach agreement--one way or the other.

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